Rest Stop #1
At the intersection of Rochford Road and Nahant Road, take 85 South out of Deadwood and pass through Lead for 2 miles. At the junction of 85 South and 14A take a left and go 3.4 miles to Rochford Road. From the intersection of highway 14A and Rochford Road drive 9.9 miles. Approximate GPS Coordinates Latitude 44.180388, Longitude: -103.758144 Approximately six miles into the race and approximately twenty miles left. This rest stop must be set up by thirty minutes after the start of the race.
Rest Stop #2
Dumont Trailhead (the intersection of Rochford Road and Juso Road), take 85 South out of Deadwood and pass through Lead for 2 miles. At the junction of 85 South and 14A take a left and go 3.4 miles to Rochford Road. From the intersection of Highway 14A and Rochford Road drive 6 miles. Approximate GPS Coordinates Latitude 44.227980, Longitude-103.786082 Approximately ten miles into the race and approximately sixteen miles left This rest stop must be set up by forty-five minutes after the start of the race.
Rest Stop #3
The intersection of Rochford Road and Rochford Ridge Road Take 85 South out of Deadwood and pass through Lead for 2 miles. At the junction of 85 South and 14A take a left and go 3.4 miles to Rochford Road. From the intersection of Highway 14A and Rochford Road drive 3.9 miles. Approximate GPS Coordinates Latitude 44.251009, Longitude -103.796768 Approximately twelve miles into the race and approximately fourteen miles left This rest stop must be set up within one hour after the start of the race.
Rest Stop #4
Englewood Trailhead (the intersection of Englewood Road and Brownsville Road) Take 85 South out of Deadwood and pass through Lead for 2 miles. At the junction of 85 South and 14A take a left and go 3.4 miles to Rochford Road. From the intersection of Highway 14A and Rochford Road drive .4 miles to Brownsville Road. At Brownsville Road turn left and drive for 0.7 miles. Approximate GPS Coordinates Latitude 44.296901, Longitude -103.784591 Approximately sixteen miles into the race and approximately ten miles left This rest stop must be set up within one hour after the start of the race.
Rest Stop #5
Kirk Trailhead As you leave Deadwood take Highway 385 South to Kirk Road (.2 miles), turn right on Kirk Road and drive 1.6 miles to Yellow Creek Road. Turn left on Yellow Creek Road, Turn right at railroad crossing sign. Approximate GPS Coordinates Latitude 44.342638, Longitude-103.758042 Approximately twenty-one miles into the race and approximately 5.2 miles left This rest stop must be set up within one hour and thirty minutes after the start of the race.
Rest Stop #6
Deadwood Trailhead (Sherman Street parking lot), at the intersection of Sherman Street and Charles Street. Approximate GPS Coordinates Latitude 44.371194, Longitude -103.727599 Approximately 24.5 miles into the race and approximately 1.66 miles left This rest stop must be set up within two hours after the start of the race.