Black Hills Veterans March – Endurance (BHVM-E)
Rules and Information
Packet Pick-Up and Important Information:
- For your own safety, this is a team event and you MUST register and participate with a minimum of three (3) marchers and one (1) support person.
- Teams may be a mix of military and civilian marchers. All members start and stop at the same point each day of the march and teams must stay together.
- Packet pick up will be held the Monday prior to the start of the actual event.
- You must pick up packet with your registration receipt on the day scheduled, team members are allowed to pick up packets for team members.
- No packet pick up or registration will be allowed after the scheduled packet pick up day.
- Military categories are only open to military ID card holders or ROTC cadets. Eligible cardholders include Active Duty military, Reserves, National Guard, Academy Cadets, International Military Members, and Retirees; Dependents are not eligible for military categories unless they themselves are actively serving in one of the aforementioned categories.
ALL participants must comply with the following rules:
- You must start each day with three members on your team with one support person.
- There is no limit to the maximum number of participants on a team.
- Bib Numbers must be attached somewhere on each participant in a location that is visible at all times.
- Each day, participants must check in and out with BHVM-E staff. A BHVM-E staff member or volunteer will be at the start and finish points to track participants on the course. Failing to do so will result in disqualification.
- March route will close at 6:00 p.m. each day. ON THE 4th DAY YOU MUST BE DONE BY 5:00 P.M.
- No team will abandon or leave behind a team member, if a team member cannot continue, it is the team’s duty to ensure that the team member is taken care of before they continue.
- If you choose to leave the course without finishing, you MUST contact the BHVM-E staff. Please do not cause the BHVM-E staff to call search and rescue services unnecessarily because you did not report in at the end of the day.
- All participants will wear footwear and appropriate clothing.
- Removal of signs or other markers along the trail is strictly prohibited and will result in disqualification.
- NO pets, knee scooters, bicycles strollers, running, jogging, driving/riding in any kind of vehicle are allowed (Unless Service Dog w/Documentation).
- Anyone caught violating any rules may be subject to disqualification.
Additional Rules Applicable to Military participants:
- U.S. Military Participants will wear U.S. Army Operational Camoflage Patter (OCP) uniform or service equivalent.
- Non-Standard Team T-Shirts or Unit T-Shirts may be worn in place of the regulation T-Shirt.
- All military marchers must comply with AR 670-1, “Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia” or service uniform regulation equivalent
- Participants must be in full uniform during the opening ceremony at the start of the march.
- Only uniform tops and headgear may be removed along the route as weather dictates.
- Boots may not be exchanged for any other footgear along the route. Anyone caught violating this rule will be disqualified. Footwear is limited to military service recognized boots. Hi-Tech style boots may be worn only if authorized by individual service regulations or commander.
- Pioneering poles and hiking sticks are not authorized in the military categories.
- Military physical fitness uniforms are not authorized when competing in military categories.
T-Shirts, Banners, and Flags
- Esprit d ’corps is highly encouraged.
- Participants may choose to wear team t-shirts and/or carry unit/organization flags or banners.
- No unapproved political flags, banners, brochures etc. of any kind are allowed
- Approved Flags/Banners are listed below. The list is not comprehensive, but flags not listed must receive BHVM-E approval prior to march.
National Flags
State Flags
Unit colors/Gideon’s
POW/MIA flags.
American Legion
Veterans of Foreign Wars